Belén Moneo


Belén Moneo (Madrid, 1965) is an architect and co-founder of Moneo Brock.


Belén and Jeff formed Moneo Brock in 1993 in New York, when they collaborated professionally for the first time to realize the renovation of a loft in Tribeca. Maintaining ties with New York, the studio opened its main office in Madrid in 2002, and currently develops projects in Spain, the US, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.


Today project sites are located in the Spain, USA, Mexico, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.


She has lectured extensively on their work in Europe, Japan, the USA, China, Turkey, Panama, Guatemala and Peru, and her work has been published in several international media.


Among their most important projects and award-winning works, the following stand out:

    • NW Corner Building Universidad de Columbia, New York (with Rafael Moneo)

    • Termas de Tiberio, Balneario de Panticosa, Huesca

    • Parroquia de Pueblo Serena, Monterrey, (México)

    • Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Madrid

    • Bosque de Acero, Cuenca

    • Laboratorios de la Universidad de El Rosario, Bogotá

    • Casa Sorteo for the Tecnológico of Monterrey, (México)


She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard University in 1988 with a bachelor’s degree in Art History and Visual Arts and obtained a Masters in Architecture from Columbia University’s GSAPP in 1991.


She began her academic activity as a professor at Columbia University teaching undergraduate students from the New York / Paris Program in the periods (1998-2001) and (2010-2011).


Since 2014 she is a professor of Analysis of Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of Madrid and she was coordinator of conferences and cultural activities of the ETSAM in 2017-19.


In 2022 Belén Moneo founded CREAS, along with her three partners Mª José Torres Hors, Isabel Beneitez and Mercedes Díez, a professional services company focused on the Sustainable Urban Regeneration of the built environment and cities.


The four partners have added their experience, their diversity of profiles and the complementarity of their professional careers (architecture, sustainability, urban planning, legal and real estate) to create the firm.


Established as a rehabilitation agent, the company is committed to the comprehensive regeneration of the built environment as a way of cooperating in reducing CO2 emissions, responding to society’s environmental challenges, and improving the quality of life of citizens.


All the information on their website:


She is currently part of several associations such as AMMDE (Asociación Multisectorial de Mujeres Directivas y Empresarias), WIRES (Women in Real Estate Spain) and WAS (Women Action Sustainability), through which she promotes sustainability.


She is part of multiple mobility groups such as BICIMATRIX, that deals with public entities and administrations to achieve sustainable and active mobility infrastructures. Her latest article “Nos gusta la calle”, in which she defends that public space belongs to pedestrians, was published in El Pais.


Within the studio, they have created _2B spacetobe, a hybrid and multidisciplinary space dedicated to art, culture and creation, where Belén and Jeff have curated exhibitions, screening, performances and installations of artists such as Sandra Rein, Clara Cebrian, Arcadio Blasco, Primoz Bizjak, Daniel Canogar… Since 2012 they have produced 47 exhibitions.


All the information on their website: